Lakeview Lion Updates: November 10, 2022

Dear Lakeview Families,

We had a fabulous Friendsgiving recess gathering led by our Sunshine Squad today. This student leadership group of 4th and 5th graders invited new-to-Lakeview 1st-5th graders to a recess activity and time of connection in the MPR. Facilitated by Mrs. Vlastnik, Mrs. Genna Olson and Mrs. Torres, each month has a fun spirit day and connection activity to spread kindness throughout Lakeview and our community. Checkout a write up about our Sunshine Squad in the School News Publication HERE (page 13).

Don’t forget, there is no school tomorrow in honor of Veterans Day. We extend our gratitude to our community veterans who have served and continue to serve in the US branches of the military. My brother served in the Special Forces Army for 9 years. It is not lost on us the commitment that is also carried by family members both during their deployments and life beyond.

Please read below for some important updates:

Driveway Protocol and Safety
Out of courtesy for your fellow parents and to assist in keeping all Lions safe in our valet, we ask that parents please utilize the second driveway to join the valet cue properly. The first driveway – noted by cones – is for busing and staff members only. Thank you for your cooperation. 

Parent Teacher Conference Week - Nov 14-17

Please make sure to sign up for a Parent-Teacher Conference with your child’s teacher. This is a valuable time to hear about your child’s progress and overall well-being at school. 

The November month is simple in events but tricky with holidays and minimum days. Please make note of the following changes to our routine:

Wednesday, 11/16 - Minimum Day (different than our typical Early Release)
Thursday, 11/17 - Minimum Day
Friday, 11/18 - Non-student Day; Parent/Teacher Conferences
Monday, 11/21 - No School, Thanksgiving Break
Tuesday, 11/22 - No School, Thanksgiving Break
Wednesday, 11/23 - No School, Thanksgiving Break
Thursday 11/24 - No School, Thanksgiving Break
Friday, 11/25 - No School, Thanksgiving Break

Everyday Counts!
Please help your child be on time everyday! Students need additional time to walk from the valet to their classroom line. We begin our community flag salute at 7:50am. The warning bell is now at 7:45am. Students arriving after the final 7:50am bell are tardy. 

Independent Study Contracts
If you have a planned trip, please notify the office and your child’s teacher. An independent study contract can be arranged to ensure your child has ongoing access to their learning and provide for recaptured absences. We kindly request a 2-week advance notice.

Martial Arts International Karate Classes & Fundraiser
See the attached flyer for a special 2-week class that not only supports your child’s self-esteem, confidence and discipline but also sends 100% of the proceeds back to Lakeview!!

FunEx Entertainment Discounts
All Lakeview Elementary families now have access to discounts on hotels, theme parks, sports, movie tickets, and more from See the attached flyer.

El Dorado Cheer Mini Clinic - Dec 5
See attached flyer

Need to Report an Absence? Please let the Office Staff know of your child’s absence by 10am using one of the following methods:
Option 1: Fill out the Absence Reporting Google Form, located on our school website.
Option 2: Call the 24 hr. Absence Reporting Line (also for students who will be tardy) at 714-986-7190, then press 3. Please have the following information ready:
Student's first & last name
Date of the absence
Reason for the absence (if illness, we need the nature of the illness & symptoms the student is having)
Name of the person reporting the absence & their relationship to the student
Contact phone number
Option 3: Email Veronica Castillo, our AM Attendance Clerk at [email protected]. If you email the teacher, please Cc Veronica.

Illness Guidelines

Nov 14-18 - Conference Week
Nov 16 - Picture Makeup Day
Nov 16, 17 - Minimum Day - See dismissal times HERE
Nov 18 - Non-Student day, Conference Day
Nov 21-25 - NO SCHOOL, Thanksgiving Break
Nov 29 - Play Rehearsal, 2:30-4:00, MPR

I hope you have a wonderful and safe 3-day weekend!
Mrs. Given
[email protected]

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